Title: BandungYear: 2024Media: canvasDimensions: 110 cm x 125 cm x 20 cm“Bandung” adalah lukisan bermakna kerinduan mendalam akan kota kelahirannya pada masa pandemi. Kerinduannya akan kedua orang tua yang tinggal di Bandung yang tidak bisa dikunjungi semasa pandemi. Adanya kecemasan akan kesehatan orang tua menjadi penghalang terbesar untuk bisa bertatap muka secara langsung. Keinginan bertemu orang tua di Bandung juga adalah keinginan untuk bisa keluar dari kejenuhan karena berbulan-bulan tinggal di rumah saja di kota metropolitan tanpa bisa melihat sesuatu yang alami, rimbunnya pepohonan dan udara yang sejuk yang biasanya dulu bisa ditemukan di kota dimana ia dibesarkan orang tuanya. Bagi Vina, rimbunnya pepohonan, jalan yang berbukit, suara burung yang berkicau, udara yang sejuk dan air yang dingin, kenangan tumbuh kembang sedari lahir hingga dewasa dan menikah membuat terus merindukan kota kembang tercinta.
Acrylic on Canvas70 x 90cmThree phases of lifeSomething monstrous makes a person be affraid of himself, aggravates his pleasure, making him miserable.Rather than mind and body, man is a mind with a body, a being who can only get to the truth of things because its body is, as it were embedded in those things.Everyone is alone and yet nobody can do without other people, not just they are usefull but also when it comes to happinessMerleau ponty
Acrylic on Canvas70 x 90cmThree phases of lifeSomething monstrous makes a person be affraid of himself, aggravates his pleasure, making him miserable.Rather than mind and body, man is a mind with a body, a being who can only get to the truth of things because its body is, as it were embedded in those things.Everyone is alone and yet nobody can do without other people, not just they are usefull but also when it comes to happinessMerleau ponty
Acrylic on Canvas70 x 90cmThree phases of lifeSomething monstrous makes a person be affraid of himself, aggravates his pleasure, making him miserable.Rather than mind and body, man is a mind with a body, a being who can only get to the truth of things because its body is, as it were embedded in those things.Everyone is alone and yet nobody can do without other people, not just they are usefull but also when it comes to happinessMerleau ponty